It is impossible to imagine our private and working environment without the cloud. There are so many services running in the cloud that it is now the rule rather than the exception. We often do not even know that it is a cloud service, but some companies are still reluctant and fearful. Because where data is stored is no longer tangible. A solid cloud solution is often much safer and more reliable than a local or even a physical solution.

Daarom vinden we het belangrijk enkele (van velen) voordelen van de cloud nogmaals voor u op te sommen. Want waarom zou die belangrijke en privacygevoelige data niet zo dicht mogelijk bij uzelf houden? Dan hebt u er zicht en controle op. Maar zo werkt het niet. Nog niet overtuigd van de cloud? Laat u overtuigen en lees verder!

Work independent of location and time

Secure access to information anywhere, anytime. This is possible in the cloud! Working from home or from other offices promotes effectiveness and productivity.


No more expensive servers or purchase of software programs. You pay for what you actually use, often in a license form. No more and no less. Also, you no longer need to update or maintain the software yourself. That saves a lot of work and you always have the latest version!


Local applications run on their own servers. What happens if this server is out or crashes? In that case, the entire IT environment of an organisation is often flat. In the cloud, it is stored in secure data centres that specialise in this and have all kinds of backups, so that your information provision can continue as usual. Copying data yourself on laptops or hard disks involves many risks. In a cloud solution, everyone has access to the same information via a secure connection. Copying or transferring information is no longer an issue.

Encouraging collaboration

Sharing information in a cloud solution is easy. Everyone can access the same information at the push of a button. A big plus for many industries! Think of case files for lawyer, judge and client? A medical file for doctors, assistants and affiliated healthcare institutions? Simply sharing information with authorised colleagues is very valuable.

Working in the cloud is the future. However, it is very important to make sensible choices when choosing cloud solutions, because the security of information must be guaranteed. Consider, for example, certifications such as ISO 27001. A safe and solid choice for the cloud results in many advantages!

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